Technical University of Moldova:

Technical University of Moldova (TUM) was founded in 1964 and is the only university in the Republic of Moldova offering engineering programs. It comprises 10 faculties and one technical college, 50 departments, etc. The teaching staff includes about 840 professors and 21 000 students. In 2008, in accordance with the Bologna Process, the 2nd cycle study was founded at the Department of Theory of Mechanisms and Machine Parts in field of Renewable Energy Conversion Systems Engineering.

Since 1990 the TUM Centre for Renewable Energy Conversion Systems Elaboration has been working on the study and design of the technological systems for solar, wind and flowing water kinetic energies conversion, the last without dam construction. There have been elaborated, patented, designed and manufactured industrial prototypes of 2 versions of micro hydro-power stations for flowing rivers kinetic energy conversion, a 10 kW wind turbine, that presently is at the stage of field tests in real conditions, and 2 photovoltaic systems. These systems would provide a partial satisfaction of energy needs of the rural population of Moldova, being planned to help farmers and small producers especially.

The TUM will manage the project and will supervise the surveys provided by the other partners.

Experience in implementing of similar projects:

  • Conversion of water renewable kinetic energy: synthesis, theoretical modeling and experimental evaluation. Grant IB7320 - 110902/1, Program SCOPES. Swiss National Science Foundation;
  • Design and manufacturing of the industrial prototype of the micro hydro-power station with pintle and hydrodynamic profile of blades for river water kinetic energy conversion, within the Governmental Programme – Development of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Moldova.

“Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava:

The history of this institution starts with the establishment of the Pedagogical Institute in 1963 to three years. Since then and until today, for almost half a century, in Suceava, higher education has gone through four stages: Higher educational phase: 1963 -1975; Stage Joint Institute for Higher Education, pedagogical and technical: 1976 -1984; Stage Institute of sub-engineers: 1984 -1989; Stage University "Stefan cel Mare" of Suceava (USV): 1990 – present. USV include 6 Research centers, recognized by National Research Council. Agreements of cooperation with the Technical University of Moldova were signed since 1990, being renewed in 2006.

Experience in implementing of similar projects:

  • Involvement of the Romanian research in the international scientific partnerships aiming at the promotion of clean production models (ProMPC);
  • PHARE 2003 – ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COHESION, Active employment measures;.
  • Centre of professional training for the unemployed people – CENTROS;
  • PHARE 2003 – ECONOMICAL AND SOCIAL COHESION, Promoting the human capital.